To DLC, or Not to DLC?

That truly is the question. Downloadable Content, or DLC, has become the norm for any mainstream game and offers extra content that the original game didn’t initially offer. While DLC seems like a great idea the price point of most DLC has become a contended issue among the gaming community. Is it really worth $14.99 for something that only adds a few hours of gameplay?

In the past DLC has been limited and really added only visual appeal to a game. Developers have been pushing “Season Passes” lately and for a player that picks up one game and plays it for a whole year, they’re a great deal. Otherwise, if you think you’re going to buy a new game within a month or two ignore the offers for the season pass.

Luckily, video game developers have been upping the ante when it comes to the content and price of DLC they’re offering to their audiences. If you’ve been listening to our podcasts you already know how much we love Kingdoms of Amalur: The Reckoning and you’ve also heard how satisfied I’ve been with the DLC they’ve offered for the game. Each DLC has been $9.99 and extended gameplay by at least 10 hours; which, keep in mind, some game’s campaigns aren’t even that long. All of the DLC put out for Mass Effect 2 not only extended gameplay, but added crucial story elements to the game and the characters we grew to love so much.

With the release of Skyrim’s first DLC coming out tomorrow (June 26th) for 360 users I think it’s important for gamers to keep in mind that while DLC (in the past) has burned us, developers are starting to learn that when we fork out an extra $15 for additional content, it better keep us entertained for more than two hours. With that being said, I have already paid off my Dawnguard DLC and I am anxiously awaiting it’s arrival to my PowerUp account with GameStop! We’re also going to be seeing the extended ending from Mass Effect 3 tomorrow, so my week will be full of DLC and I hope yours will be, too!