It’s Sharing Time: What Are You Playing Now?

To steal an idea from The Borderhouse blog, I would love to know what other people are playing this week. They call it Whatcha Playing Wednesday….I call ours procrastinating when I don’t want to work 🙂 It is especially hard when work is gaming. I was at GDC last week and played lots of great indie games and games still in development in the GDC Play area. And now I want to play those games more, but I have to come home and finish all of the other games that I am playing for one reason or another. so here goes!

This week I am playing lots of stuff. I am still playing at least an hour a night of Ni No Kuni. Pea and I play about a half hour a night and then I play another half hour beating a boss and getting us to the next narrative arc. I am also playing Persona 4 Golden on the Vita whenever I get stuck queuing or waiting for an appointment. I need more solid RPGs that I can play on the fly so someone really needs to get on that!


I am also playing Double Fine’s The Cave, which I don’t think that I am loving as much as I had hoped that I would, but I will reserve judgement until I finish the game (or until I am finished with it…whichever comes first). And finally, I am still playing Tomb Raider (cut me some slack folks I was at GDC all last week so I didn’t get to play any of my console games)


But what I really want to do is to start Bioshock Infinite! With all of my heart and soul I want to start that game! But, I guess that I am going to have to wait until I at least finish The Cave for Games and Rhetoric and Tomb Raider for Charlotte because you really can’t write about a game unless you play it. *le sigh*

So now that my portion of sharing time is over, what are you playing this week and what is going to get you through the weekend?


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